Top Commercial Industries Moving To Vancouver

Vancouver is not only of Canada’s most livable cities, but it is known as one of the world’s fastest-growing and most livable cities. This popularity has brought many new businesses to the city. Vancouver’s many commercial properties have been owned and operated by smaller, local companies. This is changing, however, with the change that is occurring in the region. Some of the world’s top companies are starting to move into the city and are looking to purchase commercial properties. With the rising move of businesses into the city, current commercial property owners in Vancouver may be looking to sell their buildings or offices off to some of these companies and industries:


Yes, the world’s largest store has moved to Vancouver and has taken up a large chunk of commercial space. In 2022, Amazon will open up a headquarters office in Vancouver that will bring in nearly 4,000 new tech jobs to the city. With its close proximity to the United States and especially the city of Seattle, the headquarters in Vancouver is a great addition to the booming city. 


Along with Amazon, many other tech jobs are moving to commercial properties in Vancouver. Microsoft moved into a 2-story office in Vancouver with over 750 employees moving in. Many other tech companies from the famed “Silicon Valley” are seeking a move up North to Vancouver. Companies like Postmates and Asana are building up in Vancouver and many more companies will follow. The tech industry of Vancouver will command a ton of commercial office space and the demand for property will continue to increase.

Natural Resources

Vancouver, located in the Pacific Northwest, is near a wide variety of incredibly rich natural resources. Being near the ocean, near mining areas, and near fresh timber, there are so many opportunities for businesses to move in and take over the commercial property for natural resource purposes. Whether it’s in the timber industry, fishing industry, or even the shipping industry, these natural resources provide beneficial opportunities for those who own commercial property near the harbours of Vancouver.


The city of Vancouver has become one of Canada’s busiest financial hubs. All five of Canada’s largest banks have significant operations in the city and it performs very well in banking, credit unions, venture capital investments, and international financial transactions. With nearly 60,000 finance jobs in Vancouver, the city is continuing to grow and expand its financial footprint. As the financial sector grows in Vancouver, more commercial properties will need to be available for office space.


With these companies and business sectors constantly moving into the growing city of Vancouver, commercial properties will start to become more popular and in demand. Those who own these types of properties should be looking to sell their offices or land for the most money possible. With companies like Amazon adding thousands of jobs and looking for property and companies in the tech, natural resource, and finance fields looking to move to and thrive in Vancouver, now is the time to sell your commercial property. Find out how we can help you get the most for your commercial properties!

Hooman Jenabian